
Splinters of Angst Derelict, 14 February - 12 April 2025

Presented by Hua International, a group exhibition organised by Tomas Vu and Rafael Domenech, Splinters of Angst Derelict brings together a group of original artworks and artists that “use drawing as a conceptual scaffolding for ideas”.

“Featuring works by more than 40 artists—including Bale Creek Allen, Ghada Amer/Reza Farkhondeh, Korakrit Arunanondchai, Guy Ben-Ner, Joseph Beuys, Sanford Biggers, Caroline Carlsmith, Alejandro Contreras, William Cordova, Aurélien Couput, Jeremy Deller, Mark Dion, Rafael Domenech, Fab 5 Freddy, Guerrilla Girls, Baris Gokturk, Cash For Your Warhol, Arturo Herrera, Alfredo Jaar, Sonia Kahn, William Kentridge, Dr. Lakra, Dinh Q. Lê, Barry Le Va, Jonas Mekas, Gean Moreno, Jennifer Nuss, Kambui Olujimi, Sigmar Polke, Lee Quinones, Emanuel Ri, Alex Roberts, Dieter Roth, Dennis Scholl, Dana Schutz, Amy Silman, Luis Silva, Kiki Smith, Sarah Sze, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Christy Titus, Wang Xu, Tomas Vu, Tommy White, Beau Willimon, and Sun Xu—the exhibition unites a diverse group of voices committed to resisting mainstream cultural production and the contemporary phenomenon of hyper-representation”.

Hua International Berlin, Potsdamer Str. 81B, 10785 Berlin, Di – Sa, 12-18 Uhr/ Tuesday – Saturday, 12-6pm

For all enquiries please contact: Further exhibition installation views accessible here

Close To The Edge - 29.11.24, 19h Spor Klübü, Berlin

Sie sind herzlich eingeladen/You are very welcome
"Close To The Edge"
One Night Group Show (Freienwalder Str. 31, 13359 Berlin - U8 Pankstr./S Bornholmerstr.)

Performances ab/from 20:30:
"Axe" Catherine Lorent, sound performance
"Blockiert" DJ Sporty Jack aka Matthias Mayer, music performance

Boris Abel, Stefan Alber, Heather Allen, Franck-Lee Alli-Tis aka V Stylianidou, Elena Alonso Fernández, Michelle Alperin, Deniz Alt, Detlef Baltrock, Gleb Bas, Jürgen Baumann, Hannah Becher, Matthias Beckmann, Thomas Behling, Antje Blumenstein, Theo Boettger, Sascha Boldt, Manuel Bonik, Gunnar Borbe, Iwona Lili Borkowska, Katja Brinkmann, Susanne Britz, Laura Bruce, Teresa Casanueva, barbara caveng, Sabatino Cersosimo, Chun-Tzu Chang, Kyung-hwa Choi-ahoi, Herbert De Colle, Ellen DeElaine, Almut Determeyer, Nanett Dietz, Nataly Dietz, Annedore Dietze, Bruno Di Lecce, Grigori Dor, Mirjam Dorsch, Stefan Draschan, Stefan Ebner, Irena Eden & Stijn Lernout, Frederik Foert, Abrie Fourie, Frauke Funkhauser, Sven-Ole Frahm, Anne Gathmann, anna onno gatjal, Christine Gedeon, Laurie Georgopoulos, Robert Gfader, Monika Goetz, Karø Goldt, Massoud Graf-Hachempour, Harriet Groß, Stephan Groß, Andreas Hachulla, Stephanie Hanna, Andrea Hartinger, Michael Hauffen, Andreas Helfer, Thomas Bo Henriksson, Janne Höltermann, Sabine Hoffmann / Collision Squad, Margret Holz, Stephan Homann, Esther Horn, Fabian Hub, Markus Huemer, Franziska Hünig, Okka Hungerbühler, Hubi W. Jäger, Gunilla Jähnichen, Thomas Jocher, Anne Jungjohann, KP, Sven Kalden, Elena Karakitsou, Heike Kelter, Isabel Kerkermeier, Werner Kernebeck, Julia Kissina, Silke Koch, Karen Koltermann, Anette Kuhn, Susanne Kutter, Erika Krause, Patricia Lambertus, Oliver Lanz, Simone Lanzenstiel, Michael Lapuks, Anett Lau, Alex Lebus, Sabine Linse, Ronny Lischinski, Christine Lohr, Catherine Lorent, Justina Los, Mahony, John Maibohm, Nadja Marcin, Rei Matsushima, Matthias Mayer, Scott McCracken, David Möller, Thomas Monses, Matthias Moravek, Paula Muhr, Leo de Munk, Berit Myrebøe, Mascha Naumova, Joe Neave, Raúl Neddermeyer & Sarah Lüttchen, Enrico Niemann, Fernand Niño-Sánchez, Irina Novarese, Jennifer Oellerich, Nora Olearius, Claudia Olendrowicz, Jürgen O. Olbrich, Ornella Orlandini, Manfred Peckl, Torsten Prothmann, Katja Pudor, Luisa Puschendorf, Kathrin Rabenort, Nika Radić, Maria L. Räihälä, Øyvind Renberg, Pedro Reis de Mendonca, Benjamin Renter, Susanne Ring, Alex Roberts, Römer + Römer, Stefan Römer, Stefan Roigk, Annette Ruenzler, Julia Rüther, Andreas Sachsenmaier, Katrin Salentin, Daniel Sambo-Richter, Michel Santos, Grit Sauerborn, Birgit Schlieps, Sandra Schlipkoeter, Oliver Schmidt, Marco Schmitt, Michael Schultze, Olivia W. Seiling, Tanja Selzer, Kerstin Serz, Soji Shimizu, Frederic Spreckelmeyer, Heiko Sievers, Heidi Sill, Johanna Smiatek, Nicola Staeglich, Anna Staffel, Hans-Peter Stark, Gabriele Stellbaum, Astrid Stricker, Ralf Tekaat, Anja Teske, Miriam Tölke, Peter Torp, Petra Trenkel, Kata Unger, Claudia Virginia Vitari, Anke Völk, Gabriela Volanti, Gabriel Vormstein, Florian Wagner, Yvonne Wahl, Klaus Walter, Christine Weber, Linda Weiss, Bettina Weiß, Julia Werhahn, Anke Westermann, Daniel Wiesenfeld, Claudio Wichert, Markus Willeke, Ila Wingen, Markus Wirthmann, Ina Wudtke, Sibylle Zeh, Ella Ziegler, Elmar Zimmermann, Oliver Zwink

Since 2005, quotes from past decades (mostly from the 1980s) have been the title of the annual One Night Group Shows at the end of November in Spor Klübü. Other projects, especially the pandemic, had led to a 4-year break in this exhibition format. Last year the thread was resumed with the exhibition "Zero Tolerance" and 135 participating artists. With 189 artists participating this time, the density of works in the exhibition space is again significantly increased.

"Close To The Edge"
The 1980s, the last decade of the Cold War, is characterized by the threat of violent disputes in the East-West conflict with initially rearmament and later disarmament, the opening up to the Eastern Bloc up to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the rise of neoliberalism, the actor Ronald Reagan as American president for two terms, the beginning of the era of Chancellor Kohl. A whole weird decade often on the edge. Grandmaster Flash And The Furious rapped in 1982 in their hook line: "Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge - I'm trying not to lose my head - It's like a jungle sometimes - It makes me wonder how I keep from going under". They bring the social criticism of the black, marginalized and oppressed population into hip-hop as proof of failed politics.

Switch. Over four decades later. Once again, an American re-elected President Trump enters his second term. With a sense of victory that can no longer be averted, he proclaims a coming golden age of America and a return to former greatness at the expense of the poor, the weak, those who think and live differently, women and migrants. The Ampelcoalition in Germany is falling apart. War and the Cold War are already making a comeback in Europe. The world is unsafe. Propaganda and lies instead of truths. Violent intimidation as normality. The law of the strong. Fascists are warming up. Will the punished attackers of the storming of the Capitol in January 2021 soon be pardoned?

Will the 1980s get a revival that will be even closer to the edge?

G.R.I.T. publication due 2025...

Gestural Reflective & Inquiring Tales (G.R.I.T.) 2024, shown first in Berlin, Germany, and then in Dundee, Scotland has closed. Dissemination is underway with the intention to produce a publication beyond the exhibition and public program in 2025.

G.R.I.T. assembled a group of fourteen painters, and the exhibition illuminated the ways painting relates to its viewers by focusing on the idea of bodily engagement through gesture. The titular acronym hints at the complexity of this relation: gestural, reflective, inquiring tales.  The artworks in this show invited contemplation and, at the same time, revealed an experience that mirrors the process of making a painting. The works provoke thought and exert a pull upon viewers. They demand commitment. However, G.R.I.T. does not attempt to oversimplify the mystery of the relationships that painting engages. In his 2019 essay collection, The Observer Effect: On Contemporary Painting, the critic and poet Barry Schwabsky speaks about this engagement. “(We) should not overlook,” writes Schwabsky, “what gives painting its importance to art, is that it derives from the essence (body) of both the maker and the viewer.”  Accordingly, G.R.I.T. centred the presence of the artists’ process, as found in the raw and immediate marks which physically and psychologically resonate with the viewers.

G.R.I.T. Berlin 9.-31. August, KUNSTPUNKT Berlin, Schlegelstr. 6, 10115 Berlin-Mitte & G.R.I.T. Dundee 13 September - 12 October, Drawing Projects UK, Scotland - Corner of West Bell Street & Constitution Road, Dundee, DD1 1EX 

Artworks from left to right: 1. Geraldine Swayne, Henry Ward, Michaela Zimmer, Eglė Otto, Jacopo Dal Bello, Rao Fu, Alex Roberts, Angove; 2. Henry Ward; 3. Jacopo Dal Bello, Erika Krause (photo credits: Laurin Gutwin Photography); 4. Geraldine Swayne; 5. Michaela Zimmer; 6. Jenny Eden (photo credits: @painting_grit) 2024.

Opening: G.R.I.T. Dundee

It is our upmost pleasure to present and invite you to the opening of G.R.I.T. Gestural Reflective & Inquiring Tales on 12. September, 4-6pm with ticketed entry in Dundee! Please visit the following links to reserve dates/ times for your visit:

12. Sept Preview DPUK Eventbrite Opening

13. Sept Tour with the Artists DPUK Eventbrite Artists

14 Sept, 11-6pm, Painting Symposium: D’Arcy Thompson Lecture Theatre, University of Dundee, Tower Building, Nethergate, Dundee (ticketed). To reserve a place please visit DPUK Eventbrite Symposium

Visit the exhibition Drawing Projects UK, Scotland Eventbrite

The project Gestural Reflective & Inquiring Tales is centred around an exhibition of fourteen painters, which explores how gesture and its physicality engage both the maker and the viewer. The contributing artists tackle some of the core principles of contemporary painting, and G.R.I.T. contextualizes art as a collective practice which, at the same time, requires deep contemplation. With international contributors, the show aims to bridge Europe, and it will be on view first in Berlin, and then in Dundee, Scotland. Through those two instalments, the project develops a model for sustainable artistic exchange. Beyond the exhibition, G.R.I.T. includes symposia as well as a public programme, and the project aims to further discourse with a publication.

Curated by Alex Roberts.

Further info please visit:
Artworks and press photos are available upon request. For press enquiries please contact:

Girl Friday Breakfast Club with Alex Roberts on 30 August 2024 - DPUK

Join Drawing Projects UK for the Girl Friday Breakfast Club with artist, Alex Roberts, on Friday 30 August at 8am online.

Alex talking about her painting in G.R.I.T. in Berlin Photo credit: courtesy of @drawingprojectsuk

“Alex Roberts is a painter who focuses upon how we perceive identity, change, and encounters. Testing the sliding scales of figuration and abstraction, her visual language travels between observation and material play. She engages with paint and translucence, addressing paintings’ surface, layers, and spatial depth by effecting colour and immediacy of marks. Alex also intermittently curates art exhibitions and platforms of exchange which seek to examine how painting beholds the viewer.

The Girl Friday Breakfast Club was established by Professors Kate Reynolds and Anita Taylor in 2018 to provide a friendly and informal space for women to meet and to hear from an interesting woman speaker over breakfast at Drawing Projects UK on the last Friday of each month. All women, and those who identify as women, are welcome to join the Girl Friday Breakfast Club.”

Eröffnung/ Opening: G.R.I.T. Berlin

It is our upmost pleasure to present and invite you to the opening of G.R.I.T. Gestural Reflective & Inquiring Tales on 8. August, from 18:00 in Berlin!

Im Mittelpunkt des Projekts Gestural Reflective Inquiring Tales steht eine Ausstellung von vierzehn Maler*innen, die untersucht, wie sich die Grundprinzipien der Malerei — Geste und Körperlichkeit — zu Künstler*in und Betrachter*in verhalten. Dabei setzen sich die Künstler*innen mit Kernthemen der zeitgenössischen Malerei auseinander: G.R.I.T. kontextualisiert die Malerei als eine kollektive Praxis, die gleichzeitig Kontemplation erfordert. Mit ihren internationalen Beiträgen will die Ausstellung ganz Europa verbinden, und sie wird zunächst in Berlin und dann in Dundee, Schottland, zu sehen sein. An diesen beiden Stationen entwickelt das Projekte ein Modell für einen nachhaltigen künstlerischen Austausch, denn über die Ausstellung hinaus umfasst G.R.I.T. Symposien und ein öffentliches Programm. Schließlich zielt das Projekt darauf ab, den Diskurs mit einer Publikation zu erweitern. 

The project Gestural Reflective & Inquiring Tales is centred around an exhibition of fourteen painters, which explores how gesture and its physicality engage both the maker and the viewer. The contributing artists tackle some of the core principles of contemporary painting, and G.R.I.T. contextualizes art as a collective practice which, at the same time, requires deep contemplation. With international contributors, the show aims to bridge Europe, and it will be on view first in Berlin, and then in Dundee, Scotland. Through those two instalments, the project develops a model for sustainable artistic exchange. Beyond the exhibition, G.R.I.T. includes symposia as well as a public program, and the project aims to further discourse with a publication.

Kuratiert von/ Curated by Alex Roberts.

Weitere Info finden Sie unter/ further info please visit:
Für Presseanfragen kontaktieren Sie bitte/ press enquiries please contact Inna Barmashenko:

G.R.I.T. Gestural Reflective & Inquiring Tales

Die Nachricht ist da/ the word is out! Einladung/ save the dates: G.R.I.T. Gestural Reflective Inquiring Tales, a painting exhibition bridging Europe.

IP: Kuratorin/Curator, @alexroberts975 © G.R.I.T Künstler-innen/Artists 2024.

Contemporary Art Collectors Book Volume I

The much-anticipated release of the "Contemporary Art Collectors Book Volume I" has launched, featuring Alex’s work as one of the one hundred selected artists. Printed copies are available for purchase via Torres Editores & Amazon - links. ISBN:978-84-19926-18-0

For collectors and curators, it is essential to discover new artists and talents. As a result, we decided to discover the most exciting emerging artists from all over the globe and publish the Contemporary Art Collectors Art Book. This print publication introduces and presents each artist and their work, showcasing various divergent new talents. The book presents high-quality reproductions of each selected artist’s work, biography, or quotations from the artists about their art practice. The 100 featured artists were selected from over thousands of artists from 45 countries. These talented artists’ work encompasses various styles and techniques, from abstract to figurative art, minimalism to magical realism, traditional oil-on-canvas, and mixed media to installation.” Contemporary Art Collectors.

Published: Contemporary Art Collectors, 1 September 2023, Contemporary Art Collectors Book Volume I, Torres Editores, Granada Spain.

Free Your Painting - Bauhaus 2023

Extensions to apply granted!

Final few weeks for @bauhaus_summer_school specialised courses – 1st June 2023 deadline. Remaining slots - sign up while you can!

“Lend your ears to music, open your eyes to painting, and... stop thinking! Just ask yourself whether the work has enabled you to 'walk about' into a hitherto unknown world. If the answer is yes, what more do you want?” Kandinsky.

Aimed at the painter, fine art student or individual who employs paint as part of their wider creative practice (i.e. design, architecture). The course offers a chance to stretch your understanding and abilities of rendering materials, tints, splatters and pigment while testing what it is to paint amongst our current, expanded realms of painting.

19.08.23-02.09.23 BSS, Weimar


Alex Roberts Studio - photo credit: Laurin Gutwin

Artist Alex Roberts will provide a platform that collaboratively exposes new modes of agency, materials, extends technical skills; expanding current methodologies and experience – facilitating a painting exchange. Participants will be given the chance to view the exclusive collections in the Zeitgenössiche Kunst, Neues Museum Weimar, and receive a series of presentations, and discourse about contemporary painting.

ONCE GUARDED Berlin art week

Berlin Art Week: 15 - 18th September, 2-7pm
Opening: Thursday, 15th September, 5-9pm

Tracey Snelling | Alex Roberts | Stefie Steden | Diane Lavoie | Inês Cabral | Marian Wijnvoord | Zuzanna Skiba | Rachael Jablo

KHBstudios Berlin

Nazarethkirchstr. 42, 13347 Berlin-Wedding

ONCE GUARDED presents 8 artists who have already featured in the Berlin issue #3 2021 of the magazine ever_emerging_mag. The edition, published in a time of lockdown, featured these 8 Berlin based women artists under the themes of Facades, Borders and Domesticity. One year later, the same artists come together in the space of KHBStudios Berlin, this time, presenting their work beyond borders, domesticity and facades.  This exhibition celebrates the opening up of the cultural sector and the coming together of diverse artists after two years of being ‘guarded’. 

Opening of that that was once guarded.  The exhibition will take place in KHBStudios Berlin, a space created and directed by one of the artists, Stefie Steden.  We kindly ask you to wear a mask during the opening.

About ever_emerging_mag: a magazine that presents only women artists over 45 years old, was founded 1.5
years ago by Marguerite Nolan, after graduating from art school in her late 20s. The platform is born out of her desire to uplift older women artists while highlighting emergence as a life-long endeavour that is not always related to age. With several editions, exhibitions, panel discussions, and recently released print edition under their belt, ever_emerging_mag continues to grow and create discourse around preconceptions on age, competence, and ambition in regard to older femxle artists in creative industries. The Berlin edition is the first international localised edition by ever_emerging_mag. This edition created a network of women artists based in Berlin, who now come together once again in the exhibition Once Guarded.

Press Release - Deutsch

Further Details Contact: Berlin Edition:

The Waverton Art Prize - long-listed

Long-listed for new painting prize, The Waverton Art Prize founded by Boisdale in association with @PaintTalk 28th June - 31st August 2022

Shortlisted artists work will be on view at Alice's Oyster Bar and Gallery at Boisdale of Bishopsgate, London. Long-listed artists work will be showcased as part of the IG digital exhibition platform.

Knowing VI, 2021 Watercolour, pigment and pencil on translucent paper, 17 x 12cm. Photo credit: Laurin Gutwin

Ever Emerging MAG - the Berlin edition is live!

Access the full read via issuu or download it via Ever Emerging MAG.
Alex is a featured artist (pages 8-21), one of eight female subjects: Alex Roberts, Diane Lavoie, Inês Cabral, Marian Wijnvoord, Rachael Jablo, Stefie Steden, Tracey Snelling, Zuzanna Skiba.

Selection announcement, studio visit, and interview completed by the founding curator and editor, Marguerite Nolan, September 2021. The Berlin Edition, Ever Emerging Magazine’s, third issue was published, with a digital release, 14 January 2022.

Ever Emerging MAG is an international platform/ online magazine presenting female, ever-emerging visual artists (over 45 years old). Founded in 2020 by Marguerite Nolan,
“Ever Emerging Mag is a non-profit platform that presents senior femxle artists, who work in any type of medium. Ever Emerging, is born out of the desire to support women in the contemporary art industry, as well as the idea that emergence is an ever- evolving concept, that is not always related to age or (measurable) youthfulness”.

LINK Design: Giulia Bierens de Haan @giuliabdh
Cover: Tracey Snelling - Kotti, mixed media sculpture with video, 72 x 122 x 90 cm, 2018
Editorial photography: Carmijn Dura @seenby__c

VIDEO LINK Featured artist: Alex Roberts
Video editing: Rutger Lysen @rutgerlysen Music: Kutmah @kxxtz__luva Video: Marguerite Nolan @margueritennolan

Paint Talk Presents, With Love, II

Participating artists,

Jordin Alanis, Sinéad Aldridge, Jonah Alexander, Ivan Arlaud, Fiona Berry, Crimson Boner, Flora Bradwell, Ethan Caflisch, Jessica Jane Charleston, Brian Cheeswright, Anna Choutova, Niccolo Debole, David Douglas, Melina Doumy, Ilze Egle, Margarida Fernandes, Vilte Fuller, Camilla Gray, Isobel Plent Das Gupta, John Das Gupta, Charlie Hawksfield, Rae Hicks, Joy Jindu, Rhett Leinster, James Lincoln, Daniel MacCarthy, Alice Macdonald, Ranald Macdonald, Olivia Mansfield, Alex Roberts, Andras Nagy-Sandor, Rose Shuckburgh, Daniel Taylor, Stefan Tiburcio, Hannah Tilson, Donatas Tretjakovas, Alice Watkins, Harry Whitelock, Emma Wilson, Anna Woodward, Salomé Wu, Yiwei Xu.

The show runs from Wednesday 1st December until Sunday 5th December on Instagram @paint_talk, the online store will remain active until mid December.

All works are for sale, up to £500. Buyer is responsible for postage.

For all enquiries email

New month, new work - the sun is out, June!

Knowing IV_B_cut out.jpg

Knowing studies - where to view and acquire the new works (online or in the real) coming soon!

Knowing IV, 2021. Watercolour and pencil on translucent paper/ Aquarell und Stift auf Transparentpapier, 17 x 12cm.

Image credit: Laurin Gutwin